A One-Week Revolutionary Crusade & Community Outreach

CCRW – Christ Compassion to the Rural World
There is a very popular saying which I have found to be true and relevant even in the ministry of Jesus. It is the saying that, “God comes to the hungry in the form of food.” As an extension of that, we can go on to say that to the sick, he reveals himself as the great physician, and to those who are bound in the shackles of sin, he comes as the saviour.
Within the last 3 years, I have been seeking the face of God concerning the location of Christ Compassion to the Rural World (CCRW), a non-denomination crusade and community outreach set to bring the gospel of Christ to rural communities in ways that are relevant, relatable, and practical.
A vision I have decided to pursue wholeheartedly, after several years of constant nudging from the Holy Spirit.
News Update
CCRW is more than a crusade, it is going to be a life-transforming event, which is set to be the biggest evangelistic outreach ever in Africa – similar in concept to Christ feeding of over 5000 people with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes.
God comes to the hungry in the form of food.
I didn’t want to have a say in the choice of location for CCRW so for 3 years, I sought the face of God. One morning while I was praying at my balcony in Lagos, the Holy Spirit asked me what town was on the other side of the Lagoon where I live. It suddenly dawn on me that God wants us to go to Ikorodu and environ. Without wasting time, I swung to action with my team, made all the necessary enquiries, and set in motion the groundwork as well as the legal requirements.
The one-week-long outreach will be held at the Ikorodu/Igbogbo stadium, a 30,000 to 50,000-capacity stadium, and will feature a massive crusade in the evenings; by morning, the whole stadium arena would have been transformed into a medical camp with over 300 onsite doctors, attending to the health needs of community members. We have also concluded talks with the Governor of Lagos state to use the Ikorodu General Hospital for minor surgeries where we intend to conduct over 2000 free surgeries for community members. It doesn’t end there, we have also paid for trailers of rice and other popular staple food which will be packed in 1kg bags for over 50,000 families and households.
The idea for us is not only to tell these people about the love of God but have them experience it first-hand.
The CCRW is more than a crusade, it is going to be a life-transforming event, which is set to be the biggest evangelistic outreach ever in Africa
Going by the enormity of the task at hand, my team and I have commenced serious stakeholders and key players engagement. We have met with His Royal Majesty, Oba Adewale Kabiru Shotobi, the Ayangburen of Ikorodu, who has given us blessings. We also made a courtesy visit to His Royal Majesty, Oba Semiudeeb Orimadegun Kasali, of Igbogbo Kingdom, and his 300 Chiefs, who were excited about the initiative and gave us the go-ahead.
We have also commenced talks with the Lagos state Government, to get approval for the Igbogbo stadium as well as the Ikorodu Hospital. The Lagos state government under the leadership of His Excellency, Governor Babajide Sanwoolu had thrown its weight behind the project and agreed to conclude construction works on the venue before the event.
It will feature a massive crusade in the evenings, and by morning, the whole stadium arena would have been transformed into a medical camp with over 300 onsite doctors, attending to the health needs of community members
The magnitude of the CCRW Outreach is such that I cannot do it alone, hence I am calling on all Christians, irrespective of the denomination to signup and volunteer in any capacity as you may deem fit as we would be needing Doctors, Nurses, Ushers, Security Personnel and others. We have over 300 pastors who have indicated interest and we are still expecting more. The website portals will be opened in the next few weeks for volunteer signup.
As a result of the financial commitment, we have purposed to have this event twice in a year – 6 months intervals, to enable us plan properly.
On a final note, I will leave you with the clarion call of Jesus in John 4:35 – 36 (NKJV)
“35 Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest! 36 And he who reaps receives wages, and gathers fruit for eternal life, that both he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together.”